Privacy Policy

Your privacy will always be respected here. All readings/services are always confidential between myself and the client.  The information you provide at checkout (other than if you leave a note with your questions you want me to look into ) is not used by me for any reason. I have had a few people question the payment process. It has come to the point where I have had to make a note about it directly on my website. This is a website builder that I do not own and the payment process is set up like this for  anyone who is offering services on a website created using Big Cartel. If you do not trust the process you are free to provide a fake address and phone number. I have no use for that information at all. I believe those two fields are optional anyway, but if not again just put something in the boxes. Does not have to be real or exact information. People are asking in an  accusatory fashion so this is why you see this message here. I have always had a privacy policy page here, but now I am having to edit it because more people are asking me this.  It's something that I shouldn't even have to explain, but for the most part I understand the fear and concerns that other people have. I personally did not create that process or attach it to the website. It came with the website on its own.  This is for anyone with a big cartel website. When you are ordering anything online it is protocol to ask for your information so that the item gets delivered to the right place. I don't need it because I provide the services online, however most website companies will treat it as though we are physically shipping out items. I personally do not use your information. Your info is needed to checkout and in order for payments to process. Logically , this is with any facility and almost everywhere on online markets/stores.  If anymore questions about this don't hesitate to contact me.  I will try to answer your questions and concerns to the best of my ability. You may also reach out to the Big Cartel Support  team who will likely be able to assist you a lot better when it comes to this 


 You must be 18 years of age to use any of the services provided.