About GiftedSoul

Hi there, I go by GiftedSoul. An average small town girl who just so happens to have psychic abilities.  I've always felt a bit different from the rest of the crowd pretty much since I was old enough to talk. I always stood out. Within this I found my true purpose and that is to heal and help others who are having trouble fitting in, to help those who are confused and need clarity.  I have had my gifts all of my life, but began noticing more signs and working with them more when I got older and from there they became stronger. I wanted to ignore it, but spirit just kept calling to me and I finally answered.


**NOTE** I do also use logic in my readings and I give advice. I come highly recommended and I am most known for my level of accuracy and my perspective on how I view the world to be. I can assist you in all aspects of life including love&relationships, finances, career and more. I am also a healer. I have been doing this professionally for quite sometime now and have helped a lot of people from all walks of life nationwide. Remember when push comes to shove that there is always free will. I am not perfect(no reader is), but I will try my best to deliver the results that you need.  Come see me today, for a chance at a better tomorrow. Love&Light!